
Monday 11 June 2012

Day 152: 365 days of love

This is a Sunday 365ers project. This week we are taking inspiration from Rebecca Borowski and 365 Days of Love: Her blog is truly inspirational and full of both love and humor. So here is my love for you, Rebecca:)

Day 151: Toy Mouse

A 10cm toy mouse climbing the tree. I rarely give sense of scale so I thought this would be a good opportunity to do so:)

Sunday 10 June 2012

Day 150: Rose and Cherry - photo shoot

After all that hassle, I decided that a photo shoot was in order. Really proud over myself, I didn't throw it all in the bin after all...

Day 149: Rose

One day at the time and I finished Rose too. I had to cut a new dress for her since the first one got all ugly from many times turning in and out. I had difficulties attaching limbs but finally managed so it looked neat:)

Day 148: Cherry

Tadaa...legs right way round and all. This is Cherry as she has little cherries attached to her hair.

Day 147: Rose and Cherry - part 2

Got my stuffing and started sewing...The first doll was so badly sewn that I had to take it all apart because I wasn't following the technique correctly. Dress part got so badly abused I cut it all off and left it at one side. So I made a start on the other doll, Cherry, it all went really well and I got all parts together as I should. The trick was to sew on arms and legs,fold them inside the doll and then turn the whole thing right way round. I did...and after all that I managed to sew both legs wrong way rounds..AAAAARGH!!!!! So I threw everything in the box and left.

Day 146: New dollies - Rose and Cherry

I got so fed up with drawing so I decided to get my trusted buddy  - the sewing machine and make something else. This pattern is from magazine Mollie Makes and it seemed simple, so I cut out all parts, made the hair and then run out of stuffing, easy-peasy, I thought, I'll carry on tomorrow. For sure I will finish this tomorrow...

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Day 145: A small film about guilding

This video is result of our weekly Sunday project with 365 group. This time inspiration was taken from Gabrielle Soileau and her daily vlogs (video blog). You can find her work here: Enjoy!

Day 144: Drawing 10

This is how far I managed with this drawing before I gave up...several hours of work and lots of impatience later...I might come back to it later..or start again..

Saturday 2 June 2012

Day 143: Drawing 9 - more directional strokes

More of directional strokes and tonal values...I can't believe this is so difficult. I sit there and grit my teeth because it is difficult. Instant re-aligning of attitude is needed if I am to continue on these drawings without biting my pen into two (or several) pieces. The exercises are getting harder, after I finish tree-section, water section follows:( It is worth adding I have never bothered to draw anything like this before so no use moaning it is difficult:)

Day 142: Drawing 8 - directional strokes

Short, directional strokes should give an illusion of foliage, something that resembles a birch believe it or not.... in my case I think it is more like a pine:(

Day 141: Drawing 7 - tonal values

Apparently the different pressure on the pen should give tonal variation. This is drawn with 7b pencil but it all looks samey to me, i do try and be light on the hand so I guess just more practice...

Day 140: Drawing 6 - cloudy skies

with more or less success...