
Tuesday 22 May 2012

Day 133: The most life-enhancing choice (MLEH)

I have decided to live my life according to a new philosophy (it's old really, new for me). In every given choice situation, no matter how bad choices are, I am going to try and think what the most life enhancing choice is, for me or someone else. So today I decided that the most life enhancing choice (MLEH) is to enjoy our garden. These flowers (no idea what they are) I had in a pot last year, I grew them from bulbs, then my cat decided they were great to sunbade on and squished them. So I used my proven gardening technique then: put it in the ground, it either will or won't, and here is the glorious result that I had to capture on camera. 

Our garden is truly magical at the moment which makes a difference to our neighbours garden where they have ripped everything up. The old lady decided then to mow the grass without cleaning branches from all trees and shrubs they have destroyed...and it broke :) They have managed to destroy an entire habitat for wildlife and they refer to our lovely bees as 'wasps'..and they have two annoying little yappie dogs that never get to go for a walk...but the MLEH is to ignore that and focus on our beautiful garden. I should really share a picture of my compost, I am very proud of it as it is a source of much food for birds and I love digging in it. It represents all that is good in life. The rubbish turns into beautiful, rich, black soil that feeds everything:) I had a good MLEH day today.

1 comment:

  1. What a great cottage garden, I love the richly coloured flowers whatever they are, I'm sure everyone has a great time in your garden.
