
Thursday 9 August 2012

Day 168: Me and my camera

When I was younger I wanted to be a photographer (who doesn't). I got quite good at it, my black and white work was coming on and I was learning to work with light like a proper photographer. Then my professional camera got stolen and I went to uni instead, leaving photography and creative dreams behind. Since then I have been using it sporadically, mainly switching the 'auto' button on and not bothering about it, the pictures tend to be ok.

And then the other day, packing my studio down, I found a manual for my new-ish camera and suddenly I feel that urge again, not to take good photos but to take excellent photos again...

On the other hand I have really been missing my blog. My friends in 365ers have been carrying on while everything here is on hold but my hands are itching. Only a week left now and we will be in our new house and that I can start properly again.

Oh, and the picture, it is a spiders nest from Gotland, Sweden. I accidentally dropped my camera on top of it and it was fine, camera and nest. Absolutely amazing!

1 comment:

  1. Great photo! Well done for not breaking anything (knock on wood since you're still moving house). Thanks for posting when you're so busy at present - was good to see you pop up again :-)
