
Wednesday 25 April 2012

Day 108: One step forward, three steps back

This is what happens when attempts are half-hearted and fittingly it is on a heart theme I made this horrible painting. I'm going to paint it over tomorrow but I wanted to share it here in order to remember what not to do in the future. I feel a lot from the heart and really wanted to capture something from it for these theme but I didn't commit to it. This image is like something I would have painted two years ago in it's style and technique, it's neither here or there. And this, in a nutshell, is my problem.
I feel things, then I am too afraid to commit to that feeling because mainly I don't want to offend anyone, especially my family and out comes this cliche-like rubbish..
My other problem is that I have put a lot of effort in painting and drawing technique over the past three years but can't seem to be able to marry those to my expression from the heart which, again, is problematic..and I think to much.


  1. fully agree...just do what you feel and dont give a f..k what others think or too much of a mind as to what it looks like...just do it!!
